Being adored ... seen as a game. ... a psychological game ... practiced by so, so many women … … an article written by the wellknown romanian writer Adrian Dumitru

She was ... so beautiful.

Every man ... was observing that.

They obsessively looked at her.

Adoring ... all related to her beauty.

The shapes of her body.

Her eyes.

Her hair.

Her smile.

Her voice.

Her ... everything ...

It was like ... all men were falling in love with her ... balancing between knowing they have no chance ... but illusory dreaming they could be with her.

But ... for me ... it all looked like a game.

Yes ... a psychological game.

... practiced by any beautiful woman.

And .... and she was playing this game so, so nicely.

Almost ... like in a movie.

Yes ... the movie ... "The contemporary princess ... on the stage of the real life".


It was interesting ... analysing her.

Deeply ... see ... all the micro details ... related to her story.

Most probably ... the psychological games ... were representing .. a need.

Not ... just a desire.

It was all weird.

Or maybe ... i could not accept it ... as a real fact.

... and a new trend.

You see ... no matter how beautiful a woman would be .... and this lady was really, really beautiful ... she won't feel it .... deeply ... unless if all men confirm that to her.

... in continuous form.

Day ... by day.

All of them.

And ... truth be told ... she was not the only woman ... which I've analysed in micro details.

But ... i've always concluded ... that no matter if she has or not ... the beauty of a princess from fairy tales ... if she is not having the clear confirmation of all men ... it's catastrophic ...

Yes ... to many of them.

To this lady ... also.

So ... the psychological games ... are a necessity ... and we should stop judging the contemporary women for that.

It's a weird energy ... which they need to ... exist from.

Well ...

Most certainly ... i am too idiot to understand those trends.

And ... find all ... unacceptable.

Too ... manipulative.


Too ... stupid.

But it's all a trend.

Cause ... that's why social media is so successful.

Any woman .... can be adored in there.

... by any man ... from any corner of this world.

Offering to all of them ... the illusory sensation of being ... a princess.


Download the book ”The princess syndrome

... perceptions of an idiot man - essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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